Wet Soil Improvements for soil pH regulation.

Category: Soil Improvers

General Details

Liquid Soil Improvements for High Agricultural Technology to regulate soil acidity (pH) reaction.

1. PLASIS LIQUID ALK: Liquid Alkaline Soil Improvement. High Agricultural Technology product that effectively helps the rise of low pH and works:

    • As an active soil conditioner for controlling soil chemical properties (improvement of pH, regulatory capacity, alternative soil capacity).
    • As a humus (makes humus) that creates humus in the soil from the organic residues of crops.

2. PLASIS LIQUID AC: Liquid Acid Soil Improvement. High Agricultural Technology product that effectively helps in the descent of high pH and works:

    • As an active soil conditioner for controlling soil chemical properties (improvement of pH, regulatory capacity, alternative soil ability).
    • As a humus (makes humus) that creates humus in the soil from the organic residues of crops.


    • They regulate the acidity reaction of the soil (pH).
    • They act as make humus, accelerating the fermentation of organic plant residues.

Types / Composition

Plasis Liquid AC

  1. Nitrogen (N), Iron (Fe), Acid catalysts, Biological activators
  2. Nitrogen (N), Sulfur (S), Acid catalysts, Biological activators


Plasis Liquid ALK

  1. Nitrogen (N), Alkaline catalysts, Biological activators


The application of PLASIS LIQUID in the soil is done by spraying and through the local irrigation system (drop) during the planned irrigations.

Apply them before planting (before or along with the basic fertilizer).

It is a good idea to have the amount of PLASIS LIQUID determined by the local agronomist who will take into account the relevant soil analysis data, which is provided free of charge to our customers.


ул.1 бр.138 с.Стајковци, Скопје

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