Liquid Inorganic-Organic Humic fertilizers. Liquid Humic acids enriched with inorganic nutrient elements Ν, Ρ, Κ, MgO, CaO, B, Fe, Mn, Zn. Certified, E.C. Registered.

General Details


Liquid Inorganic-Organic Humic fertilizers. Liquid Humus condensed and enriched by a special production process offering a very high content in Humic acids. Liquid Humic acids enriched with Inorganic nutrient elements Ν, Ρ, Κ, MgO, CaO, B, Fe, Mn, Zn . High quality specifications. Certified, E.C. Registered, Marketing Authorized. 


    • Enhances soil microbial activity.
    • Improves problematic soils, assimilation of the bound nutrients in soil.
    •  Improves soil structure, air circulation, moisture water capacity.
    • Activates, dissolves, utilizes the inorganic fertilizers in soil.
    • Increases the efficiency of foliar inorganic fertilizers.
    • Increases production and improves the quality of  products.
    • Stimulates the growth of rootlets and promotes their growth, accelerating germination of seeds.
    • Enhances germination, flowering (increases flower insemination), fruit setting and fruiting.
    • Fruit quality improvement (size, color sugar, flavor, taste).
    • Achieves earliness.
    • Prevents nutrient deficiencies.
    • Strengthen the resistance of plants to diseases.

Types / Composition

BASIS  5-2-2 +T.E. +5% HUMIC ACIDS

ΜΙΧ 20  10-5-5 +T.E. +5% HUMIC ACIDS


TREL   10-2-2 +3% T.E. +5% HUMIC ACIDS

MAGNE  12-0-0 +5MgO +T.E. +5% HUMIC ACIDS

FERUM  12-0-0 +2Fe +T.E. +5% HUMIC ACIDS

ZINCO  12-0-0 +2Zn +T.E. +5% HUMIC ACIDS

BORO  12-0-0 +2B +T.E. +5% HUMIC ACIDS

MAN   12-0-0 +Mn +T.E. +5% HUMIC ACIDS

T.E. = B, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Zn.


FOLIAR FERTILIZATION: 1-3 L / 1000 L of water. Repeat the application every 7-14 days.

FERTIGATION1-5 L / 1000 square meters. Repeat the application every 7-14 days.

SOIL IMPROVEMENT: 5-7 L 1000 square meters, before or after sowing or planting.


ул.1 бр.138 с.Стајковци, Скопје

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