Liquid Biostimulator, Nutrient Serum against soil salinity. Rapid improvement of saline, alkaline soils. Certified, E.C. Registered.

General Details


Liquid Innovative Serum, Biostimulator against soil salinity. Rapid improvement of saline, alkaline soils. The only solution for the recovery of problematic soils with high salinity – ECe content. Certified, E.C. Registered, Marketing Authorized.

The SALT product should also be applied to Calcareous soils, because the calcium in these soils is in large quantities but in its carbonate form, insoluble in water and bound to insoluble complexes in a way that is unavailable to plants.

The improvement of saline soils is achieved rapidly, with “SALT – Humic Calcium”. Its calcium ions together with some conjugate ions and the humic acids, create the appropriate environment for the replacement of soil’s Sodium by Calcium and its excretion (leaching) through the drainage system.


    • Improvement of Saline and Alkaline soils.
    • Substitution of Sodium by Calcium.
    • Purification of soil against salinity.


Applied through fertigation (drip system) and on winter fertilization or before sowing / planting.

Fertigation2-15 L/1000 square meters   Winter fertilization and before planting 5-15 L/1000 square meters

In case of soil improvement against salinity, the quantity and number of applications are determined by the soil analysis and the soil salts content.


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