Water-soluble Inorganic Potassium Fertilizers with Nitrogen, Magnesium and Sulfur for Hydrolysis of crops.

Category: Top Dressing

General Details

Water-soluble Inorganic Potassium Fertilizers (N-K-Mg) Highly digestible controlled release. Enriched with Nitrogen, Magnesium and Sulfur. For Surface Lubrication and Hydrolysis of crops.

NITRO KALI 12-0-46 & KALI STAR 13-0-33 + 3MgO + 3S

They contain Potassium, Nitrogen and Sulfur in ideal quantities and forms. Potassium is rapidly digested and absorbed by plants, along with FREE, quickly and efficiently, covering their nutritional needs. The rest of the data remains available on the ground, in a form that is assimilable for plants.

    • They do not rinse and do not bind.
    • They do not create toxicities such as sulfate compounds from the excess sulfuric acid they contain.

Types / Composition

Nitro Kali 12-0-46
Kali Star 13-0-33 + 3MgO + 3S


Application for Kali Star & Nitro Kali (Water Soluble Fertilizers)

The product can be used in all crops through the hydro-pollination system (dissolved in irrigation water) or superficially (dispersed by hand).

 Dosage: 1-10 kg / acre.

The above quantities apply to all crops. The exact amount of application is determined on the basis of the deficiencies that the soil and cultivation may have, on the basis of the planned applications of other inorganic, organic fertilizers and on the basis of the stage of development of the crop. The above amounts can be repeated every 7-10 days.


ул.1 бр.138 с.Стајковци, Скопје

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