Liquid Inorganic Dense fertilizers with Calcium, Magnesium and Nitrogen, they contain 3 times more nutrients, compare to competitive liquid products.

General Details

D.A.L. Ca-Mg-N

Liquid Inorganic Dense Fertilizers of Calcium, Magnesium, with Nitrogen. They are products of chemical reactions and not weak water solutions of Calcium Nitrate and Magnesium Nitrate, such as all their competitive fertilizers. They are dense Molecular Liquids containing 3 times more fertilization units (amounts of nutrients) than their competitive liquid and water soluble crystalline fertilizers.

    1. CANO STAR   30%CaΟ – 15%N
    2. DUAL STAR   15%CaΟ – 15%N  –  10%MgO
    3. MAGNO STAR   16%MgO  –  12%N
    4. CAON   20%N  –  15%CaO

Calcium, Magnesium and Nitrogen co-exist in the same molecule, without having a competitive activity (total absence of displacement of MAGNESIUM by CALCIUM). Thus, they can be easily absorbed by the plant. Their properties remain unaltered for an unlimited period of time, they will not undergo in suspension layers and sedimentation and their chemical structure cannot be altered.


    • Offer great amounts of Calcium, Magnesium with Nitrogen, in assimilable form.
    • Prevent deficiencies of Calcium, Magnesium and Nitrogen and suppress, heal the existing ones.
    • Act through soil and by foliar sprayings, penetrating the plant through the leaves and achieving the desired effect within 6 hours.
    • Contain no salts, thus leave no salt in the soil.
    • Safe, user friendly, environment and soil friendly, with no risks to the farmer and his equipment.
    • Applied easily, quickly, low cost.

Types / Composition

the most popular:

  1. CANO STAR   30%CaΟ – 15%N
  2. DUAL STAR   15%CaΟ – 15%N  –  10%MgO
  3. MAGNO STAR   16%MgO  –  12%N
  4. CAON   20%N  –  15%CaO


Foliar applications by spraying the leaf surface of the plant. Dosage: 1-3 L/1000 L water.

Foliar applications should take place during cool hours of the day (very early in the morning or late at afternoon).

Fertigation, applying into the irrigation water. Dosage:1-5 L/1000 square meters   (or 10-50  L/Hectare)

Applications can be repeated every 7-10 days, during all cultivated season.


ул.1 бр.138 с.Стајковци, Скопје

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