Liquid Inorganic Dense fertilizers of the 3 principal nutrient elements, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, containing 3 times more nutrients, compare to competitive liquid products.

General Details


Liquid Inorganic Dense fertilizers of the 3 principal nutrient elements, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, containing 3 times more nutrients, compare to competitive liquid products.

    1. SUPER NITROGEN 45% Ν for rapid growth development.
    2. MULTIFOSFORIC N 15%Ν  36% P2O5 for amazing flowering and rapid root development.
    3. SUPER FOSKA  26%P2O5  34% Κ2Ο for big juicy fruits, high quality harvest.

And many more types containg various ratios of the 3 main nutrient elements N-P-K.


    • Offer to the cultivation assimilable Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium.
    • Prevent plant deficiencies of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and rapidly heal existing ones.
    • Products of chemical reaction, and not salt solutions such as the competitives liquid inorganic fertilizers in the international market.
    • Super concentrated products offering 3 times more fertilization units compared to competitive liquid and water-soluble crystalline fertilizers.
    • Suitable for foliar application as they penetrate the leaf and achieve the desired effect within 6 hours.
    • Cause no accumulation of salts and heavy metals on the ground.
    • Cause no negative impact on soil’s quality as they do not destroy micro-fauna and micro-flora, they do not create toxic fields.
    • Cause no danger to farmer and his equipment, friendly to soil, environment and user.
    • Applied simply, easily and with low cost.

Types / Composition

The most popular:

    1. SUPER NITROGEN   45% Ν
    2. MULTIFOSFORIC N   15%Ν  –  36% P2O5
    3. SUPER FOSKA   26% P2O5  –  34% Κ2Ο


Foliage by spraying the plant’s plant surface with the appropriate product.

Application quantity: 1-3 liters / 1000 liters of water. The foliage applications are done during the cool hours of the day (very early in the morning or late in the afternoon).

Water lubrication in irrigation water by watering or in the lubricant, selecting the appropriate product.

Quantity of application: 1-5 liters / acre. Applications can be repeated every 7-10 days throughout the growing season.


ул.1 бр.138 с.Стајковци, Скопје

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