Granular ΝΡΚ with Magnesium and Trace Elements, SHELION TECHNOLOGY, assimilation up to 98%. Certified, E.C. Registered.

Water-soluble Fertilizers of Minerals of Iron, Boron, or Zinc with Controlled Release Nitrogen.

Liquid Biostimulator, Nutrient Serum against soil salinity. Rapid improvement of saline, alkaline soils. Certified, E.C. Registered.

Crystalline water-soluble fertilizers enriched with trace elements, VITAMINS & AMINOACIDS in 11 types for all kind of crops and growth stages. Apply by drip irrigation or by foliar spraying. Certified, E.C. Registered.

Liquid Inorganic Dense fertilizers of the 3 principal nutrient elements, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, containing 3 times more nutrients, compared to competitive liquid products.

Soil Improver-Organic Fertilizer in solid form, the richest product in Humic Acids. Transforms rapidly into fertile, even the most barren soil. Applies to organic farming.


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