Safety As a Priority

Our products undergo regular check ups and are approved and certified by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry & Water Economy of North Macedonia. They are produced with top-notch technology and are EC certified.

Soil Analysis

Taking it a step further we offer analysis of our customers’ soil and based on the results we provide a full fertilization program along with all necessary supplements. This way we can make sure that the crops of our customers are always high-yielding.

Premium Quality Products

In Magro Hemikal we ensure that our fertilizers, soil improvers and innovative nutrient serums, as well as film , grass and substrates are of high quality. The products we offer have instilled confidence in our customers that leads to rich and fruitful results.

Our products are offered to our customers on wholesale for abundant orders. Harvesting long term relationships with new and existing partners is something that we truthfully care for. That is also shown in our retail shops where individual customers can reach out to our agronomists at any time.

Deep diving into the problems of our clients, we deliver on-site expertise upon request. To take a step further we work in close ties with reliable and trustworthy partners that help us in research and analysis of soil samples, thus providing our customers with an inclusive and comprehensive representation of the current situation and suggest the best solutions.

What we can offer to you:



Grass & Seeds


You want a high yield farm? We offer you a free of charge analysis of your soil and based on the results we create a custom made fertilization program and a full care package for you to have a prolific harvest.


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